A Taisho-born poet writes Tanka, embracing her everyday life.
Blog title, rukubuno-sakura, means cherry blossoms in sixty percent bloom.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

道の端 on the verge of the path

on the verge of the path

some weeds are in bloom

with white flowers

today, more than yesterday

I enjoy walking


photo and rough translation by aunt jam

どくだみ草 heartleaves

long time ago

I was a pharmacist

selling heartleaves

like the ones on this path

with good price

photo and rough translation by aunt jam

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

御握り rice balls

more than flowers

he likes rice balls

the small child

smiles with grains of rice

on his cheek

photo and rough translation by aunt jam

Friday, July 1, 2016

花の種 flower seeds

one day

I think of myself old

on another day

I think of myself 'not yet'

planting the flower seeds

photo and rough translation by aunt jam
歌集『六分の桜』(1999)   p122より

Monday, June 20, 2016

落日 sunset


 the beautiful sunset

trapped my eyes

for a while

I ended up scorching 

the stew in the pot

photo and rough translation by aunt jam

Friday, April 1, 2016

ひとへ桜 single-petal cherry blossoms

signle-petaled cherry blossoms

bloom so purely

the days when I was single-minded

come back to me


photo and rough translation by aunt jam 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

この径 this path

the soles of my shoes

give me the felling of

tenderness of the soil

that is so nice

today on this path 


photo and rough translation by aunt jam

Friday, March 18, 2016

夕食 supper

nothing big

has happened 

I prepare supper

thinking of happiness

just as it is


photo and rough translation by aunt jam

Friday, January 15, 2016

宵臥 evening sleep

evening sleep is worth a thousand ryou*

morning sleep is worth a ten thousand ryou*

was what he said

and he slept well

the smiling face of my son

*obsolete unit of Japanese currency 
A thousand ryou was a fortune in the old days.

photo and rough translation by aunt jam
『コスモス』2016年1  月号より